UAB Logotip del Campus Virtual

How to add an access restriction to a classroom section

You can configure a series of criteria so that a section (theme) of the classroom is visible under certain conditions. You can restrict access by:

  • Activity completion (If the classroom has any activity or resource configured with completion criteria, it requires the student to complete (or not complete) another activity)
  • Date (prevents access until or after a specified date and time)
  • Grade (requires student to achieve specified grade)
  • Group (allows access only to students belonging to a specified group, or to all groups)
  • Grouping (allows access only to students who belong to one of the groups of a specified grouping)
  • User Profile (controls access based on student profile fields)

You can also configure a Restriction Set (adds a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic).

For it:

  • Activate the classroom edition.
  • Click the Edit link and then Edit topic to see your settings.

Menu to configure a section

  • Go to the Access restrictions section and click the Add a restriction… button to see the options.

Button to add an access restriction to an activity, resource or section


  • Choose the type of restriction that suits you best.

Options Constraints Settings

NOTE: You can select more than one.

  • click the Save Changes button to apply the restriction(s).


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