UAB Logotip del Campus Virtual

How to reactivate (with materials) in the course 23-24 a moodle course existing in the course 22-23

The reactivation with Moodle classroom material from last year (2022-23):


  • The same material (activities and resources).
  • The same Sigma code/s and group/s (registration of new students).
  • Only the teacher who makes the request.


  • Students from the previous course.
  • The rest of the Moodle classroom teachers, with editor and/or non-editor role.


REMARK. Please read carefully the information in the box.


  • Find the classroom you would like to reactivate and clic the button Activate with materials.

Button to activate a classroom without including materials


  • Change the name of the classroom if you wish to.
  • Select a category and then clic the Submit button.

IMPORTANT. Please read carefully the text in the box.

Button to submit


Once the process ended, in order to make your new classroom look like the original one, you might adjust the classroom format by setting the same options. For instance, the classroom format (topics format, weekly format…) should be the same as well as the number of items (weeks/topics) to show. These options are accessible from the “Settings” link in the new classroom.

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